Friday, June 20, 2008


FileFront Final environment


FileFront draft model2


FileFront draft model1


Final office for ZhangYin

The upper office is ZhangYin's office. The power that i developed is the power that from family support. The two clients represent two different kind of education. Zhang Yin's family is the traditional asian family but influenced by the western culture. So the form of the office is designed by connecting several cubes but not in a streight way. It also represents the way how the asian family express their love.

Final Meeting place, bridge and dining table

The two offices are designed by exploring the difference between the asian family and the western family. So for the meeting place, the similarity is picked to design the meeting place and the dining table.

Final office for Steve Jobs

The lower office is belonged to Steve Jobs. The western family are more open so there is more open space in this office and the form of it is more linear. The linear form represents the western culture as well.

Final elevator for Steve Job's office

Final elevator for ZhangYin's office

Final Table